Many of my clients are so determined to generate national media coverage that they overlook what I call ‘the secret media’: regional and trade press. 

But YOU know that regional & trade media can help you to grow awareness, build credibility and generate leads, right? 

To help you reach out to regional press, I’ve created a comprehensive database of the daily and weekly regional newspapers across the UK. Oh yes! And I've included email addresses, Twitter handles, websites and circulation figures. 

So, if you want to work with regional media to grow your business, spread the word and change the world then just click the link below to access the Actually regional press database. 

Many of my clients are so determined to generate national media coverage that they overlook what I call ‘the secret media’: regional and trade press. 

But YOU know that regional & trade media can help you to grow awareness, build credibility and generate leads, right? 

To help you reach out to regional press, I’ve created a comprehensive database of the daily and weekly regional newspapers across the UK. Oh yes! And I've included email addresses, Twitter handles, websites and circulation figures. 

So, if you want to work with regional media to grow your business, spread the word and change the world then just click the link below to access the Actually regional press database. 

© Actually 2019

© Actually 2019


A comprehensive database of regional press to help you 

to ACTUALLY spread the word


A comprehensive database of regional press to help you 

to ACTUALLY spread the word