In these uncertain times, when so many are living in a state of panic, fear and worry – it can feel insensitive to be selling products and services. I know that I have had hundreds of questions form entrepreneurs within the Actually community: 

  • Should I still be selling? 
  • What should I be giving away for free? 
  • What about discounting? 
  • How do I handle sales conversations sensitively? 

And it’s understandable that so many people are feeling nervous about sales…keen to be of service…concerned to avoid appearing insensitive. So I invited one of the Actually Partners to join me in this Masterclass to talk about sales and answer your questions. Catherine Watkin is the Founder of Selling From the Heart and there is no-one better, in my opinion, to help you find a path through your concerns about sales right now. 

Registration for this Masterclass is now closed but you can access the recording here. 

In these uncertain times, when so many are living in a state of panic, fear and worry – it can feel insensitive to be selling products and services. I know that I have had hundreds of questions form entrepreneurs within the Actually community: 

  • Should I still be selling? 
  • What should I be giving away for free? 
  • What about discounting? 
  • How do I handle sales conversations sensitively? 

And it’s understandable that so many people are feeling nervous about sales…keen to be of service…concerned to avoid appearing insensitive. So I invited one of the Actually Partners to join me in this Masterclass to talk about sales and answer your questions. Catherine Watkin is the Founder of Selling From the Heart and there is no-one better, in my opinion, to help you find a path through your concerns about sales right now. 

Registration for this Masterclass is now closed but you can access the recording here. 

© Actually 2020

© Actually 2020


A FREE Actually Masterclass answering your questions about sales and selling in times of crisis


A FREE Actually Masterclass answering your questions about sales and selling in times of crisis